Saturday, August 31, 2019

We Real Cool: Stay in School

Wednesday on the final week of senior year and the only thing happening in my classes was the exchanging of yearbooks. I had already gotten signatures from all of my closest friends, except one who hadn't been at school the past two days; his name was Frank Gritty. He was a childhood friend who was always known for being a trouble maker, so it wasn't unusual for him to ditch. After not having seen him In any of the classes we had together, I decided to pay him a visit after school, since he TLD live very far.As I was approaching his house, I noticed a police car parked outside with someone sitting In the back. It was Frank and he had Just been arrested for taking a Joyride in a stolen car with some guys who were â€Å"cool,† very much Like the characters In Gondolas Brook's poem, ‘We Real Cool,† which tells the story of seven rebellious dropouts who play pool at a bar and live a fast lifestyle full of crime. Brooks' poem Is an attempt to teach readers the Importanc e of education, and the consequences that people who choose a life of crime must ultimately face: death.Brooks explores these themes through his use of rime, symbolism, imagery, and tone. In the first stanza of the poem alone, Me real cool. We Left school. † Brooks exercises the uses of both rime and irony. As each word is a single syllable, it gives the poem faster rhythm, much like the fast life of someone who chooses a lifestyle of crime over education. He is suggesting that people who choose to leave school are living too fast for their own good.The first line is used to show reader's the narrator's ego, while the second quickly provides us with us with realization that these â€Å"cool† pool players are actually dropouts. Brooks is using irony to illustrate the idea that rebellion, and the desire to abandon education is commonly seen as a desirable and â€Å"cool† thing to do mongo the youth, when people who choose to drop out are actually harming themselves and not allowing themselves to live up to their full potential.Brooks then goes on to list the crimes that the narrator his gang commit and makes use of sound in attempt to make the read a pleasurable experience while still delivering a powerful message. An example of this can be seen in lines such as â€Å"Lurk late† and â€Å"Strike straight. † This use of alliteration gives the poem an essence of sound, almost like a song, which gives much more emphasis to the idea that the speaker believes he Is â€Å"cool† for the foul acts they commit. The line â€Å"Strike straight† suggests that the gang commits perfect crimes and is therefore proud of getting away with them.Assonance can also be seen in each stanza of the poem with words such as â€Å"sin/glen† and â€Å"June/ soon. † After painting a â€Å"cool† picture of the speaker's actions through a rhythmic sound, Brooks goes on to illustrate the ultimate consequences that one must fa ce for such a lifestyle. Though the musical aspect of the poem creates a somewhat cheerful vibe, the poem ends with the two words â€Å"Del soon. † Brooks Is attempting to Imply that those who choose to live a carefree life of crime, such as the pool players, over a life f education Is sure to live a short one.In short, while It may seem a long tedious task to go to school and receive and education, the long term benefits far outweigh the short-lived sensation of being â€Å"cool. † This style of this poem was written strategically to make an underlying message an enjoyable and interesting read. It is important for becomes educated and reaches his/her full potential. Works Cited Brook, Gondolas. â€Å"We Real Cool. † Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Deed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Tioga. 12th deed. New York: Pearson, 2013. 1948. Print.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Children Essay

There is a woman in Wal-Mart shopping for groceries. She is a mother with of kids ranging in age from two to ten. The four-year old grabs a pack of cookies off the shelf and places them in the cart. Her mother notices and asks her to put the cookies back. The little girl stomps her feet and begins to scream â€Å"I want cookies! † at the top of her lungs. The other customers stop and stare, anticipating her mother’s reaction. Taking advantage of the crowd, the little girl launches into a full-blown temper tantrum. Feeling the eyes of strangers watching, the mother desperately tries to calm her daughter down. When all else fails, the mother gives in. How should the mother have handled it? What does this say about her style of parenting? â€Å"The idea of being a parent is exciting but it’s a little scary; what if you get it wrong? There’s so much you have to know and so many things you have to decide† (Gurian, 2011). Parenting is arguably the toughest, yet most rewarding full-time occupation. There is no universal manual on how to raise the perfect child or how to be the perfect parent. Parents are responsible for raising a child from birth to adulthood. How a child is raised differs from household to household. What works in one family may or may not work in another. Parenting styles can be based on culture, socioeconomic status, or the kind of parenting the parent received as a child. In the 1960s, a psychologist by the name of Diana Baumrind studied more than one hundred preschoolers. Baumrind identified four significant dimensions of parenting through naturalistic observation, parental interviews and other various research methods. They are warmth and nurturance, communication styles, expectations of maturity and control, and disciplinary strategies (Cherry, 2011). Baumrind is also responsible for identifying the three main parenting styles. Based on her research, others were able to come up with a fourth and highly unfavorable style of parenting. The four styles of parenting are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, negligent or uninvolved parenting (Cherry, 2011). An authoritarian parent enforces rigid rules and demands strict obedience to authority. Children raised in authoritarian households are expected to accept without question what the parents tell them (Coon, Mitterer, Talbot and Vanchella, 2010, p. 91). An authoritative parent is similar to an authoritarian parent when it comes to enforcing rules and establishing guidelines. The children are expected to abide by these rules and guidelines. However, an authoritative parent allows the child to voice his or her opinion making this style more of a democracy than a dictatorship. The child is allowed to make mistakes without the guilt of disappointing the parents. Permissive parents demand very little of their children and rarely discipline them. They are more of a friend than a parent to their child (Cherry, 2011). Negligent or uninvolved parents are unresponsive, uncommunicative, and have few demands. They fulfill the basic needs of children – food, shelter, clothes—but are emotionally detached from their child’s life. They have very little knowledge of what goes on in the child’s world. What effect does the parenting style have on children? Diana Baumrind (2012) researched the qualities of children based on the parental style in their home. Her results are as follows: Authoritative Parenting: †¢lively and happy disposition †¢self-confident about ability to master tasks well developed emotion regulation †¢developed social skills †¢less rigid about gender-typed traits (exp: sensitivity in boys and independence in girls) Authoritarian Parenting: †¢anxious, withdrawn, and unhappy disposition †¢poor reactions to frustration (girls are particularly likely to give up and boys become especially hostile) †¢do well in school (studies may show authoritative parenting is comparable) †¢not likely to engage in antisocial activities (exp: drug and alcohol abuse, vandalism, gangs) Permissive Parenting poor emotion regulation (under regulated) †¢rebellious and defiant when desires are challenged †¢low persistence to challenging tasks †¢antisocial behaviors Dr. Dan Bochner (2012), author of â€Å"The Essentials of Parenting,† states the essentials of parenting are kindness and affection balanced with consistency and firmness. Children need kindness and affection to know that they are loved and that their parents understand mistakes will be made. Consistency and firmness are crucial as well in order to establish rules and guidelines for children to obey. Bochner thoroughly elaborates on how kindness, affection, consistency and balance are necessary when raising a child: * â€Å"Kindness: In essence, kindness involves putting yourself in the shoes of your child, thinking about your child’s motivations or intentions, and realizing that what they’re going through, or the way they’re acting, is related to their age, and the vulnerability of their situation. When we disapprove of a child’s behavior, we are likely to over-react if we see their actions exclusively from the adult perspective. It is common to think children should know better without considering what they are experiencing. When we’re tired or stressed it can intensify a less than empathic reaction. Likewise, when children are acting in ways that we like, we have to remember that their actions require effort on their part, and if we do not demonstrate our appreciation, our children might feel little desire to make similar effort in the future. * Affection: One way that we can show our appreciation is through affection. It feels good to be hugged and snuggled as long as it’s invited. The desire of most children for affection is so great that they’ll often rub up against their parents, or flop into their laps, like hungry kittens. Sometimes children will behave in positive ways just because they want affection. But it is also often the case that a child is in a moment where they want and need independence. It is important for parents to understand the independent spirit of their children and to refrain from being too affectionate when their child desires, or should be developing, independence. As much as a parent must recognize that their child needs affection, they must also realize that holding off on being affectionate might be almost as crucial since a child can perceive overwhelming affection as thwarting independence. Consistency: Consistency is made difficult by our own changing moods and by our differences with our partners. Children are better able to negotiate the family and watch their behavior when parents’ expectations are clear, and the consequences are set for what will occur when expectations are not met. If we are able to remain consistent in spite of stress or unpredictable circumstanc es, we build stability into the family environment. Nothing can be more important than the ability of parents to support one another in their views and their interventions if consistency is to be maintained. The confidence children develop as a result of parental consistency carries over into other parts of life, and into your child’s future. * Firmness: Firmness, of course, goes hand in hand with consistency. When a parent is serious and behaves in accordance with their feelings, children feel it in their bones. This is not a recommendation for angry or mean behavior. Rather, tone of voice, body language and facial expression easily reveal seriousness. Children, who are used to a consistent, yet loving and affectionate, home, know when they should not cross the line. Testing of parental limits occurs with almost all children, but if children know with certainty that parents will stand firm when they’ve had enough, children learn their limits while simultaneously learning the limits they should set in their interactions with others. † Lastly, Dr. Bochner (2012) ties them all together with parents making an effort: * â€Å"Make the Effort: There is one point that is essential to repeat. As a parent it is necessary to make the effort to keep these attributes in mind and in balance. But it is not always going to be easy, and sometimes it may not seem possible. Parents need to give themselves a break when they are impatient or snap in frustration. As long as there is an effort to be kind, affectionate, consistent, and firm, children will get the message that they are loved, valued, and cared for in a consistent and knowable world. If they internalize that message, they will carry it with them throughout their lives, and they will pass it on to the next generation. † Parental styles also come into play when dealing with temperaments of children. Since children in the same household may have different temperaments, it is crucial parents are aware of it and adjust accordingly. The differences in temperament can be detected early in infancy. They are classified as easy, difficult and slow to warm up. Easy children are very adaptable, calm, interested in trying new things, cheerful and usually content. Difficult children are the exact opposite. They are fussy, easily upset, fearful of unfamiliar situations and people, aggressive and have low adaptability. Children that are slow to warm up have a tendency to be shy, somewhat inactive, withdraw or negatively react to new experiences but over time their reactions become more positive ( Gurian 2011). As the children get older, their temperaments change based on their understanding of different situations. For example, before shy children reach adolescence, they are considered a â€Å"slow to warm up† child. Once they are familiar with their new surroundings, they will interact with other children. Parenting is a responsibility that can’t be taken lightly. There is more to being a parent than just conceiving a child. How a child is raised effects their development into adulthood. Most parents raise their kids based on how they were brought up with a few modifications. I was raised in an authoritative household and will raise my kids the same way. Parents strive to give their kids the best life possible and will sometimes go beyond their means to ensure this. Joshua Becker (2012) made a list of ten things all children need that give more to the child than anything of monetary value: love, time/attention, encouragement/affirmation, stability, opportunity, discipline, a good laugh, your lap, room to make mistakes, and hugs/kisses. Proverbs 22:6 states: â€Å"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. † The best parents nurture and are not afraid to discipline their kids. They parents teach and instill morals that their children will never forget. As young adults, children will make decisions built on morals and conduct themselves as if their parents are watching. Although they won’t always agree with their parents, they will appreciate how they were raised. Most are thankful their parents were just that – parents- and didn’t try to be their best friend.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Car Industry Managers Ethical Concerns

Car Industry Managers Ethical Concerns In the 21st century, business managers have lot of challenges for the business progress, while the main challenges that business managers have are, good use of human resources, about the marketing of the products, long range planning for better results, and better use of analysis towards the foundation for decision making, (Drucker, P.F., Classic Drucker collection). In the early days, a vehicle was prepared by few men, under a shed for the purpose of carriage trade, besides this now car manufacturers are employing specialists in different fields (engineering, economist, marketing experts etc) to overcome different challenges (Christ, The motor industry). In the car industry managers are also facing challenges costs of cars, government policies for the industry, working conditions of the staff, about the oil consumption and pollution. In ethical concerns one of the main practical issues with respect to consumers is prices of cars. Aged people and people with low income prefer cars o f low prices. In the words of Arndt Ellinghorst (head of automotive research at credit Suisse), smaller and less expensive cars are preferred by older people because these cars are easy to handle, which results in stronger vehicle downsizing (Daniel Schafe, Financial Times). In consumer concerns another practical issue for the managers is safety and appearance of the cars. Most of the car makers avoid building safety features in the cars which they knew are necessary for the safety of consumers (Ralph Nader, The motor industry). Now people prefer safety and beautiful appearance of cars in different designs (Dannenberg, J. and Burgard, J., Oliver Wyman Journal). One of the most struggling challenges for the car industry managers is staff issues in ethical concerns of consumers. Health and safety is of main priority because employees are the assets of the business and if employees during the work become injured then the business may be suffered and a business can make good profits wit h efficient workers (Cuscio, W.). Another issue is employees benefits, employ benefits include different packages like pension, extra work reward and also include vacations, the other benefit is that the employees must be fairly compensated (Managing services quality journal). Also managers must take into account the working conditions of the employees, employees should be paid according to their work. In addition many companies are not paying their employees according to their work for example, in 2009 Toyota cut pay and working hours of the employees by 10%, there are 4500 employees working in Toyota with basic pay of ÂÂ £19000 per year and now losing ÂÂ £1900 in a year (Emily Garnham, express news). In respect of consumer concern advertising is also a big challenge for managers. People want true and fair advertising of cars so that they chose their desired cars. Wisconsin law shows that the advertising of cars must be truthful (Wisconsin department of transportation). A nother challenge for the managers with respect to consumers concerns is the government policies for the automobiles (restriction on the imports and exports and custom duties on cars). Consumers are also affected by these policies because in some countries government impose high custom duties on cars so people cannot afford such cars for example, In Ukraine, world trade organization has eliminated the restrictions on eight year old cars and reduced the import rates on automobile from 25% to 10% (China law and practice).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Essay Example He lives life like a trapped bird, because society expects him to be good in actions and attitudes. Dr. Jekyll chooses to be a good person, the perfect Victorian model that Evangelicals are proud of. Inside, however, he battles his Id that he has contained too much. He does not give in to his selfish desires, such as by doing philanthropic work, and as a consequence, his subconscious learns to love selfish and lethal desires. Soon, his appearance gives way to the inner self. The inner self, when it breaks free, becomes wild and strong. Dr. Jekyll turns to Mr. Hyde, the full expression of his innermost desires. This paper shows that when the inner self is fully imprisoned though appearance, it will be repressed, but not forever; and when it is released, it will destroy the humanity of a person. Wendy Perkins, in â€Å"Critical Essay on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,† examines the role of the ideologies, utilitarianism and Evangelicalism, in shaping Victorian England during the ninete enth century. These ideologies opposed each other and affected the context of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Perkins stress that these ideologies forced people to choose between being hedonistic and being moral, which are both extremes that do not do the soul and identity any good at all. She argues that through this novel, Robert Louis Stevenson criticizes Victorian society. Dr. Jekyll would not have created an evil alter ego, Mr. Hyde, if he had enough channels to express his â€Å"desires.† Perkins uses the characters of Utterson and Enfield to describe what norms should be during Victorian times. Utterson represents the â€Å"human side that refuses to condemn others.† Perkins is saying that if people did not focus on being good alone, then freedom of expression has been more tolerated, if not widely promoted. Enfield has the â€Å"same temperament as Utterson.† He stands for moderation in attitudes and behaviors. Utterson and Enfield shame Evangelicals and utilit arians who focus on their own goals and values. These characters are examples of tolerance and moderation that utilitarianism and Evangelicalism lacked. Perkins argues that society has made it harder for people to balance their conflicting desires. Utilitarianism justifies the creation of Mr. Hyde, since he enables Dr. Jekyll to fully express his desires, even evil ones. Utilitarianism says that it is right to pursue pleasure and eliminate pain. Mr. Hyde provides pleasure, though not in the normal kind. He makes Dr. Jekyll feel free to be whoever he wants to be. Dr. Jekyll also uses the â€Å"duplicity† of his characters to balance his conflicting urges and norms. Evangelicalism, however, compels Dr. Jekyll to kill himself, since he can no longer control Mr. Hyde. As a result, the ending satisfies Victorian norms. In the end, Dr. purifies the world from the existence of a malignant tumor like Mr. Hyde. Perkins stresses that utilitarianism and Evangelicalism are two extreme id eologies that pushed Dr. Jekyll to create Mr. Hyde. These ideologies do not promote sobriety and do not help people balance their different needs and interests. Perkins emphasizes that it is important for people to have a sense of balance in their lives, or else, they will also produce their Mr. Hyde, who cannot be controlled anymore. In â€Å"The Prisonhouse of my Disposition,† Daniel Wright explores that duplicity is not the main goal of Dr. Jekyll. He contends that such analyses are superficial and incomplete. He presents a psychological view of the novel, where the double

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication Essay

Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication - Essay Example By divulging inner feelings, fears and preferences through daily quality sharing of information, Orbuch emphasized that long term romantic relationships are enforced. I definitely agree to the points contended giving support to the self-disclosure as instrumental in revealing new and exciting information that could prolong the interest and enthusiasm in a married couples’ relationship. I believe that in any interpersonal relationship, for that matter, the value of new information in diverse subjects provides the impetus for sustained interest in the relationship. The ability to pay attention to one’s partner is crucial and is enriched through quality communication that was suggested to be continually nurtured through time. I can definitely relate to the article on self-disclosure in relationships, especially on the portion which explains that self-disclosure actually manifests a â€Å"sharing (of) your private feelings, fears, doubts and perceptions with your partnerâ €  (Schoenberg, 2011, p. 7). By revealing intimate feelings, emotions, preferences with one’s partner, a portion of oneself is virtually exposed and it is as if one is committing oneself by confiding private matters that only the lifelong partner is expected to know. It creates a strong bond linking two married couples together. In this regard, I agree that self-disclose is important and directly related to satisfaction in relationship because, as abovementioned, the ability to confide to one’s partner requires trust and commitment and a deep understanding that whatever deep secrets are divulged would not be relayed to others.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Climate change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Climate change - Assignment Example These satellites enable scientists to study the earth’s climatic change and also find out the cause of the rapid changes (Cook). This group largely helps in giving out information and predictions about the earth’s climate. One of the satellite checks on the effect caused by global warming and also the greenhouse effect (Cook). The science communication group believes that these effects are the main causes of the rising sea level due to ice age melt downs, thus explaining why there is an ice melts down in the arctic (Cook). HTTP:// is a scientific resource and study page created in Canada, Alberta, and it is based in Calgary and it is owned by Michael Ignatieff (Cook). The friends of science website believe the sun is the main indirect and direct driver of the change in climate. Human activities are completely chucked out of the effects causing the rapid climatic change. The website was launched on 2002and since then it has come up with ten myth of the change in climate (Cook). The website completely denies the fact that there is global warming for the last three decades, they support their statement because they say that the balloon and satellite temperature record show that there is no sign of global warming (Cook). The main mission of the friends of science website is to reveal to people the main causes of the ice meltdown in the arctic (Cook). They empower this concept by their balloon satellite experiment hence blaming global warming on the sun thus explaining the concept of the ice meltdown in the arctic (Cook). They examine the main causes of the climatic change hence acknowledging people on what is really going on (Cook). The climate change has greatly led to the ice meltdown in the arctic according the friends of science website (Cook). They website believes that there is no global warming, and the sun is responsible for

Nonverbal Communication - People Watching Assignment

Nonverbal Communication - People Watching - Assignment Example One of the men was in looking quite older than the other man looks. The older man was predictably in his early sixties because of the gray hair while the other man could be in his mid-twenties. Outwardly, the two men were like a father and a son. This could be judged from the gestures of the old man. He wanted to pamper the young man like someone talking to a child. From the facial expressions, they seemed to be discussing a very emotional issue. The old man who was sitting directly opposite me was frowning his face was frowning his face as the young man was talking. Occasionally, they could talk until the young man could be too emotional to the extent that the old man gave him a tissue to wipe his tears. Unfortunately, they realized that most some of the people were looking at them; they decided to clear the bill and walked out of the restaurant. From the window, I could see the old man trying to comfort the young man and hug him before entering their car and driving away. From the discussion, the five nonverbal methods of communication are crucial. Types of nonverbal in communication gestures, body movement, facial expression, proxemics, and haptics. However, eye contact is critical in a conversation is used as an indication of how much someone is interested in the conversation. If someone is not interested in a discussion then, the eye contact would not be maintained, and very many things would be diverting the attention from the conversation. Another important type of nonverbal is body movement. The body movement can also indicate how much someone is listening and concentrated in a conversation. However, all the types of nonverbal methods of communication are very crucial but they are much dependent in the event of communicating or conversing. Docan-Morgan, Tony, Valerie Manusov, and Jessica Harvey. "When a Small Thing Means so Much: Nonverbal Cues as Turning

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Promotion and Public Relations Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Promotion and Public Relations - Coursework Example It only can be determined with the help of sales revenue of the restaurant. It is Doral, Florida based restaurant. It possesses or establishments 116 Japanese cooking restaurants as far and wide as possible, including its lead Benihana Teppanyaki brand, and in addition the Haru (combination food) and RA Sushi restaurants. Hiroaki Aoki was founder of this restaurant. The marketing promotion and public relation aids a restaurant to increase their sales and engage new customers. It also helps the restaurant organization to remain competitive in to the market, able to introduce their new services in foods and drink. The main objective of a restaurant organization should retain their existing customers. There are many tools for consumer sales promotion of restaurant organization, such as coupon distribution, price off promotion, free sample distribution and offering free gifts. To being a new service in restaurant, there should be free sample distribution of foods and drinks to the customers so that the customers will aware of food and drink quality. Distribution of coupon and offering free gifts will help the restaurant organization to attract more customers. These activities will aid the restaurant to understand the consumer behavior and their desires and needs from restaurant (Horchover, 2002). For a restaurant, it will be good to do trade sales promotion. It will aid Benihana Inc restaurant to attract more customers and can give competition to other existing restaurant in the market. Here, Benihana Inc restaurant should sale provide their service via online third party website, in this the restaurant should decrease their price of foods and drinks, some rebates to existing customers and free coupons. This particular activity will increase the sales of the restaurant and helps engage more new customers (Dauster, 2007). For a Benihana Inc restaurant in the market, the owner should distribute pamphlets and flyers to the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ethnic Style in Male-Female Conversation Research Paper

Ethnic Style in Male-Female Conversation - Research Paper Example Only then two people communicating with each other can understand each other with the shared identity. On the other hand, where there is lack of a common chord in conversational strategies, feelings of disharmony, not being understood are created. In this way, conversational style becomes a major element of ethnicity. Every language has distinct words to interpret specific objects which are different in other languages. However, signalling intentions and attitudes depend on personal styles of individuals. The conversational style is â€Å"both a consequence and indicator of ethnicity† (Tannen, 1982, p.230). Indirectness which is a roundabout way of saying a particular thing is a stamp of one’s distinct style and personality which changes according to situations. It means not explicitly stating what one wants and the meaning is inferred by the listener based on previous conversations and expectations and also from â€Å"culturally agreed upon meanings that are associated with particular expressions† (Tannen, 2006, p.361). This way of expressing through conversation is a means of satisfying the coexisting and conflicting positive and negative forces. For instance, when one wants to be left alone, he will not say it directly as he will not want to cause displeasure to others. He will apply the strategy for an indirect way of saying the same. Indirectness is a manner in which one can fulfil the purpose of both rapport and defensiveness. By rapport, it means a subtle way of expressing one’s desire and getting it fulfilled. It means the desire expressed in a way that it i s understood without being explained. Defensiveness means the strategic way of saying a particular thing which keeps the door open for reneging if the conversation is not accepted favourably by others. For instance, one can always say later on â€Å"I never said that† or â€Å"that isn’t what I meant† (Tanner, 1982, p.218). Since conversational strategies and degrees of indirectness often vary with cultural differences between individuals, therefore misunderstandings even from simple conversations can emerge more in cross-cultural communication.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ordinary Citizens mediated by professional journalists Essay

Ordinary Citizens mediated by professional journalists - Essay Example In this regard, the media plays a crucial linkage role between the social institutions through various genres and narrative styles. This paper will consider the purpose of a specific newspaper article as an example of media discourse to establish the kinds of institutional procedures and practices that may have influenced why the contents of the article may be deemed newsworthy. In addition to that, this paper will examine whether or not any of the article’s contents explicitly refer to the media’s role as a communication medium and how language style and specific instances of terminology have been used to convey the story, among other things. Section One The newspaper article that is under consideration due to its purpose as an example of Media discourse is by Calmes Jackie, and is titled â€Å"The First Lady Refuses to Let a Heckler Go Unscolded† (Calmes, 2013). This newspaper article appears in the New York Times Politics column of June 6, 2013; it is importan t to identify the source publication details of this article for cross reference purposes, to determine validity of the news item content in the source publication. ... inds of institutional procedures and practices; in this particular case, the newsworthiness of this article may have been influenced by the practical and financial concerns. Institutions are shaped by discourse, and they in turn have the capacity to create and impose discourses (Mayr, 2008); in this regard, it cannot always be guaranteed that the news media will be obliged to provide an impartial and balanced coverage of important social and political events that shape the global landscape. Like all other institutions, the news media’s attempt to create a universal image of impartiality and balanced news coverage is always constrained by practical and financial realities such as the need for sustained efficiency. For instance, the news media is often under pressure to increase revenue for shareholders; in this case, the profit motive determines the kinds of events that are considered newsworthy and because of this, newspapers have been accused in the past of trivializing impor tant issues (Reah, 1998). The news media procedures and practices eventually determine what news becomes, thus the news media only offers a partial view of the world that suits the interests of the socially and economically powerful (Bielsa and O’Donnell, n.d). The content of the article explicitly refers to the media’s role as a communication medium because it is deliberately structured by rhetoric and inclusive language that encompasses emotional and moral loading (Timucin, 2010), i.e. through scaffolding, or structuring of sentences and paragraphs to affect readers’ responses. Overall, the article mediates between meaning and socio-cultural reality, for instance, this article seeks to mediate reality by and through language (Talbot, 2007); such encoding is necessary for the purposes of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Eastern Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Eastern Philosophy Essay Eastern philosophy is the philosophies of the eastern continents. Many postmodern philosophers believe the only variant of Eastern and Western philosophy is that of Geographic’s however some scholars will disagree that it is not geographical but of natural language and investigated thinking. Eastern philosophy touches base with three traditions —Indian, Chinese and Persian philosophy—which are just as different from each other as they are from Western philosophy. Eastern religions have not spent as much time as western philosopher questioning the nature of God and his role in the creation of mankind. More recently philosophical schools are teaching both religious and philosophical concepts. East Asian Philosophy includes Confucianism, which is a complex system of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought that has had tremendous influence on the culture and history of East Asia[1], Taoism which refers to a variety of related philosophical and religious traditions that have influenced Eastern Asia[2], Shinto which is the indigenous religion of Japan[3], Legalism which was one of the main philosophic currents during the Warring States Period[4], and Maoism, which is officially known as Mao Zedong Thought[5]. Indian philosophies were several traditions which included but limited to, Hindu philosophy, Buddhist philosophy, Sikh philosophy, Jainism and Carvaka (atheist school of thought with ancient roots in India). Indian philosophers live life by a philosophical custom. They believe this is the righteous way to best live their lives. Whether Indian schools believe in god or not, they all share the same perception of the truth through logical practices. West Asian Philosophies include to Babylonian philosophy, Iranian philosophy, Zoroastrianism, Islamic philosophy, and Sufi philosophy, however they can also be referred to as western philosophies. Babylonian philosophy dates back to the Mesopotamian era which demonstrated certain philosophies of life, in the forms of dialectic, dialogs, epic poetry, folklore, hymns, lyrics, prose, and proverbs. [6] Iranian Philosophy is the same as Persian philosophy and is said to date back to the beginning of the science of philosophy. Zoroastrianism was philosophy influenced Indo-Iranian Philosophy. Islamic philosophy is summed up as the philosophical harmonization of Sufi philosophy reason and faith. Sufi philosophy involves a school of thought, in the form of manuals, dictations, poetry, and other written works as a means of thinking and meditation. In conclusion, Eastern philosophy is more about, the scientific aspect of philosophy without questioning the practically of it. All cultures involved have lived their lives by means of experience and by doing so they have gotten the best out of their lives. Even in religious culture, they do not question the beliefs but rather embrace them without fear of judgment and ridicule from others. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Postmodernist http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Eastern_philosophy#Classification [1] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Confucianism [2] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Taoism [3] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Shinto [4] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Legalism_(Chinese_philosophy) [5] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Maoism [6] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Eastern_philosophy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Centralia No. 5 Essay Example for Free

Centralia No. 5 Essay The obvious problem with Centralia No. 5 is that an explosion killed 111 people. However, prior to the actual explosion, the problem is less obvious, especially since Centralia No. 5 was similar to so many mines that did not explode. In this analysis, I will examine the possible roles and responsibilities of Driscoll O. Scanlan, the mine inspector, given the corruption of modern administrative enterprises prior to the accident. From this perspective, the perspective of a public official in the field, the problem is that a potential danger exists and the regulatory machinery in place to address the danger is ineffective. As an expert, Scanlan recommended that the mine be dusted with non-explosive, pulverized stone to diminish the possibility of the coal dusts exploding. However, his expert advice alone was not enough to motivate a response. History The chronology of the case shows a progression of appropriate action within the existing law and according to organization or bureaucratic norms. On an organiza ¬tional level, the players include the State of Illinois, the U.S. Government, the Centralia Coal Company, the United Mine Workers of America, and the miners themselves, who could hardly be said to have been well represented by any of the others. Beginning in 1941, Scanlans reports of excessive coal dust in the Centralia No. 5 mine were sent to Robert Medill, the Director of the Department of Mines and Minerals, and handled as routine by Robert Weir, the Assistant to the Director. All three positions were appointed by the Governor, Dwight H. Green. Also in 1941, the U.S. Bureau of Mines began making inspections of mines. The first inspection of Centralia No. 5 was in September 1942. However, only the State of Illinois had any power to enforce compliance, and reports from the Bureau there ¬fore had primary significance as further documentation in the hands of the Department of Mines and Minerals and the Governor. Scanlans reports were forwarded to the Centralia Coal Company, owned by Bell Zoller, with a letter requesting that the Company comply with the inspectors recommendations. Needless to say, the Coal Company did not comply, which is predictable given the lack of any attempt to enforce the requests and the high demand during the war. The mine workers eventually began working  through Local Union No. 52, led by William Rowekamp, recording secretary. Throughout the course of events, the mine workers sent correspondence to the State of Illinois, at first to Medill and then directly to the Governor. The letters consistently and emphatically requested attention to the danger present in the mine as documented by Scanlans extensive reports. The seriousness of the situation seemed to fade within the bureaucratic and political routine within the Department of Mines and Minerals. Alternatives Scanlan was faced with several logistical alternatives, but the motivations behind action were of two sorts. As I said before, all of the players followed paths of appropriate action within the existing law and according to organizational or bureaucratic norms. The only exception, perhaps, was the Centralia Coal Company. But the coal company clearly recognized a difference between a routine infraction and a serious infraction, at least as it concerned the correspondence from the Department of Mines and Minerals, and they had no indication that Scanlans reports on Centralia No. 5 were anything unusual. Scanlans performance was no exception. He did precisely what was required of him by his position. Even the Department itself complied with the letter of the law. Because the Director of the Department of Mines and Minerals has some discretion, it is not a requirement of law that every technically enforceable infraction actually be enforced. This is a matter of judgment. Scanlan was clearly motivated by attention to law and bureaucratic norms, but he was also pulled by an obvious obligation to the public welfare, in this case the miners lives at Centralia No. 5. The problem confronting Scanlan was not so much a moral conflict as the need to recognize that compliance with his designated role was inadequate as a response, both as public official and as expert, to the greater responsibility to the public. And because Scanlans reports were extensive and thorough, including every infraction, he had a responsibility to make sure that the decision makers understood the gravity of the danger, perhaps by highlighting the more serious problems. However, given that the system failed to recognize the danger, there were two possible paths of action: (1) work within the system, possibly in ways beyond the designated role of mine inspector; or (2) work outside the system and mobilize public concern, through the union or otherwise. There is a sense in which staying  within the system would preserve Scanlans conformity with legal and organizational norms while still addressing the public welfare. However, there is ample evidence that the organizational players would be unresponsive or at least politically difficult. Solution I think that Scanlan could have effected a response within the system, although he would certainly have had to abandon a passive stance. First, the obligation to the general welfare clearly trumps any mere compliance with organizational norms and in this case the spirit of the law, never mind the letter of the law, is in the name of such general welfare. Second, the role of mine inspectors is to police the mine operators. This could be construed as a responsibility to report infractions and leave enforcement to the Director of the Department. However, because the Director allows his subordinates to handle so much of the routine, it seems reasonable to expect the inspectors to handle cases like Centralia No. 5 more pro-actively. Third, there is a responsibility left on Scanlans shoulders as an expert and a professional. His technical expertise allows him to distinguish apparent and real dangers. And because his role in the field puts him in close proximity to the mines, he is perhaps the only individual with such responsibility in a situation where serious problems are apparent. Costs/Benefits The costs for Scanlan are evident. Because his position is a political patronage job, any aggressive pursuit of his responsibilities runs the risk of getting him removed from his position. Of course, this is as much a matter of how one negotiates the political terrain as of what one is trying to accomplish. I have no doubt that interesting correspondence, emphasizing the prudence of avoiding deaths in the mines, could have been sent to Governor Green, with the assistance and political experience of the Director of the Department of Mines and Minerals, of course. Even if Scanlan loses his job, the clear benefits are 111 lives. There are hidden benefits as well, though. By generating a relationship with the Director and the Governor, Scanlan is creating a mechanism for handling this sort of issue—a sort of policy formation from below. Given that Centralia No. 5 appears no  different from the other mines, this may be the more pressing issue anyway.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Classic Hero Story In Movie Shane Film Studies Essay

Classic Hero Story In Movie Shane Film Studies Essay The movie Shane is about a former gunslinger, named Shane. Shane comes into the homestead of a simple family, the Starretts, who are being bullied by Ryker, a cattle rancher, to move off of what he sees as his land. Shane stays with the Starretts as a farmhand. He encounters resistance from some of Rykers men when he goes into town to buy new clothes and soda for Joey, the Starretts young son. Shane is accepted as a quiet presence in the settler community and is adored by Joey and Marion, the Starrett matriarch. Joe, the patriarch, becomes an ally to Shane, and helps him fight off Rykers men on a trip to the general store. When a settler is killed by a dangerous gunslinger, Jack Wilson, Shane goes and saves the settlers from the gunslinger. After the battle, in which he is hurt, Shane moves on from the town, against the wishes of the Starrett family. Shane contains a classic heros story and archetypes typically found in heros journeys. Shane is the reluctant-loner hero. It is never revealed in Shane where Shane comes from, only that he was a former gunslinger, looking to put his past behind him. He rides into the Starrett farm alone. He doesnt come to the Starrett family expecting to encounter any trouble. Shane was looking to settle down peacefully with them. The symbolism in the movie that indicates this is Shanes trading his frontier clothing for jeans and a button up shirt at the general store, and his help in removing the stump from the Starretts homestead. When Shane learns of the conflict between Ryker and the settlers, he at first tries to shy away from getting involved. When Shane buys Joey some soda pop, Shane is confronted by Rykers men for not ordering a manly drink. He is mocked, and even has whiskey thrown on his new shirt in an attempt to provoke him, yet Shane, even though he is embarrassed, leaves without a confrontation. Shane doesnt want to fight. When all the homesteaders return to the store in a united stand against Ryker, Shane is once again confronted by Rykers men. Shane this time starts a fight, after being provoked about Marion, in which Joe also joins in, and ends up defeating the men. During the end of the film, in which Shane has to face up against Jack Wilson to create peace for the homesteaders, Shane goes alone. Before going to the fight he again trades in his clothes, from the work clothes to his former frontier outfit that he came to the Starretts in. After the gunfight, in which he is injured, Shane rides off alone; his fate is left up to the imagination. Since he is injured, and there is no help anywhere close in the frontier, it is possible that he rode off to die alone. He is a solitary figure and a solitary fighter. When he reverts back to his old gun fighting ways, he doesnt want to involve anyone else, not even Joe. Joe, Marion, Joey, Chris Calloway, and Jack Wilson play roles as classic archetypes present in the Heros journey. Joe Starrett plays the mentor. The mentor is there to help the hero. They guide the hero and help to encourage the hero to the right path. (Campbell) Joe is there to teach Shane the ways of the homesteader, their first act together is to remove the giant tree stump from his yard. He also acts as the boss to Shane. Joe is what Shane wants to be, he is a successful settler with his own land and family. Shane learns from Joe how to be a successful man in the community, by attending meetings with the settlers, and how to take care of a piece of the land, by becoming his farmhand. Marion plays the shape shifter and the threshold guardian in Shane. The shape shifter misleads and creates doubt in the hero and the threshold guardian tests the heros readiness and commitments. (Campbell) It is obvious in the looks and body language of Marion that she has come to idolize Shane in a way that is nothing short of love and adoration. She dresses up for the July fourth picnic in her wedding dress, it is her tenth wedding anniversary, yet she ends up dancing with Shane, while her husband looks on. Also, when Shane is going to confront Jack Wilson, Marion asks if he is going to do it for her. He responds that he is going to fight for the entire family, not just Marion, therefore proving that he had overcome her tests of female sexuality. While he may dance and interact with Marion, he is never anything but polite and doesnt encourage a furthering of their relationship beyond friendship. Joey acts as the herald. The herald is the news bringer, and often acts at the beginning of the heros journey, initiating the journey. Joey is the first person to spot Shane and tells his parents about his arrival. He is also there at the fight between Joe, Shane and Rykers men. He informs his father that Shane is in a fight, and Joe comes to step into the fight after hearing the news . Joey is consistently close to Shane, which is not surprising, since he idolizes him. This makes him the perfect person to bring news to the rest of the settlers. The trickster archetype, the one who pokes fun at the hero, is Chris Calloway. Calloway is the man who is in the bar both times that exclaims that Shane is just another Sodbuster, and when Shane is ordering a Soda pop, he is wheedling him into ordering a more manly drink. Calloway is very much a bully, but he is portrayed not as a great villain, but as a drunken, misguided man. The shadow, or the representation of Shanes darkest desires, is Jack Wilson. Wilson is everything that Shane once was, everything that Shane is trying to get away from. Shane knows that he could be feared like Wilson, but has since put this lifestyle behind him. During the last showdown between Shane and Wilson, Shane is fighting a representation of his past self. The whole film is the Heros journey. Shanes journey starts as soon as Joey spots him coming through the Starretts land. He sacrifices his own needs, his desire to become a settler and not be ruled by guns and violence. This makes him reluctant to stand up against Ryker and his men. He also saves Joe Starretts life. At the end of the movie, when Joe is determined to save his land from Ryker and Jack Wilson, Shane fights Joe, his mentor, to save his life. In this way, Shane not only saves Joes life, by not allowing him to fight what should be his fight, he also saves the life of Marion and Joey. Without Joe, Joey and Marion would be left alone in the wilderness with no one to provide for them. Shane takes the challenging route in the end of the movie. He is sacrificing everything for the Starretts. He fights for those who have become important in his life; even though he knows that he will be giving them up after the fight. His interaction with the classic hero archetypes helps him become the hero and while he leaves right after the big fight is over, he is sure to become a myth among the settlers, who will take the story that Joey tells them and make it in to one of legend.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Suzuki Samurai :: Car Automobile Marketing Market

Suzuki Samurai In 1985, automobile company Suzuki was entering the American automobile market with the Suzuki Samurai, a lightweight off-road four-wheel drive vehicle. A dilemma that the American Suzuki Motor Corporation (ASMC) was faced with was exactly how to position the Samurai in the American market. There were several options for them to do this, each of which had unique advantages and disadvantages, however only one that would effectively maximize the sales potential for the Samurai. The first option was to position the Samurai as a sport utility vehicle (SUV). The Samurai already had the look of a "mini-jeep", and already had four-wheel drive capabilities. Standing out from all other SUVs, the Samurai was smaller, lighter, and less expensive; suggested retail was about half the price of the average SUV. Leanord Pearstein, CEO of a competing advertising agency, preferred to portray the Samurai as a "tough little cheap Jeep." Those who had already purchased the automobile had also considered buying a Jeep or other sport utility vehicles. In 1985, the sport utility vehicle market was very small. Less than 3% of automobile sales in the United States in 1985 came from SUV sales. Douglas Mazza, who headed the Samurai operation in the US, had a goal to sell 30,000 units within two years, which would exceed all SUV sales in 1984. The second option was to position the Samurai as a compact pickup truck. The market share was two and a half times the compact SUV market. This would make it easier for Suzuki to enter is they positioned the vehicle in this way. In the pickup truck market itself, Japanese trucks sold very well; they accounted for 54% of total compact pickup truck sales. If they wanted to introduce the Samurai as a truck it would be more versatile and less expensive than a subcompact car. Since custom regulations for compact pickup trucks state that there must be a 25% tariff on all trucks imported in to the US, this is ten times the amount the tariff would be for a car. Pearlstein believed that even with the high tariff it would be worth paying in the long run, however this is still a significant cost. Another positioning strategy was to sell the Samurai as a subcompact car. This market was considerably larger than the previously stated markets. Pearlstein suggested that they should market this as an alternative to the "dull" automobile, a compact car with a "cuter" look.

The Elusive Form: The Use Of Female Characters In naked Nude :: essays research papers

The Elusive Form: The Use of Female Characters in "Naked Nude" Thesis and Outline: Thesis: In his picturesque short story, "The Naked Nude", Bernard Malamud uses the female characters to develop, enact, and resolve Fidelman's epiphany and to bring about the protagonist's final, artistic self-understanding. I. Introductory paragraph--statement of thesis. II. The prostitutes A. in contrast to Fidelman's initial idea of the artistic nude B. "maybe too many naked women around made it impossible to draw a nude"--establish basis of conflict within Fidelman III. Teresa A. flat, static character--functions totally as a touchstone for Fidelman B. provides Fidelman's first turn towards artistic epiphany IV. Bessie, his sister A. childhood memory brings about full epiphany V. Venus of Urbino A. aesthetic constant--she, as a painting, remains static B. Fidelman's method of viewing her evolves, providing his epiphany VI. Relationship of female characters VII. Conclusion and restatement of thesis. Bernard Malamud, a leading contemporary Jewish author, skirts between fantasy and reality in his almost allegorical short fiction, teaching the reader a lesson through coinciding elements of beauty and comedy. Venturing away from his usual, inner-city Jewish element, Malamud tackles new challenges of subject and setting in his novelistic collection of short stories, Pictures of Fidelman . Malamud develops his protagonist through a series of six, interrelated short works, each of which may function entirely independent from the others. In "The Naked Nude," for instance, Fidelman comes to a new, artistic maturity through his attempt to copy the famous painting "Venus of Urbino" by Titian Tiziano. Malamud's recurring theme of self-knowledge through suffering permeates this short work. Scarpio and Angelo, as primary antagonists, provide the bulk of this suffering for Fidelman. It is his own mental captivity concerning the female nude, however, that gives cause for Fidelman's eventual epiphany asan artist and as an individual. His relationship to the women in the work shapes his ability to capture the form of the "Venus" and to come to grips with his own self-worth. In "The Naked Nude," Bernard Malamud uses the female characters to develop, enact, and resolve Fidelman's epiphany and to bring about the protagonist's final, artistic self understanding. At the story's outset, Fidelman is forced to act as janitor and manservant to a group of ill mannered prostitutes under the employment of the padrone, Angelo. These offensive characters establish the first of a series of mental obstacles in the imprisoned protagonist's attempt to copy Titian's nude. They torment Fidelman with cynical laughter and exploit his demeaning position. His sexual insecurity is established at the beginning of the story when he ponders his violent guillotine sketch, asking "A man's head or his sex?...either case a terrible wound" (Malamud 318).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Harshness and Cruelty in Streetcar Named Desire :: Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire

One of the main themes expressed by Tennessee Williams in his play, A Streetcar Named Desire, is to condemn those who display cruelty and harshness in their treatment of others, especially those who are weak and vulnerable.   Three characters who demonstrate these insensitive qualities are Blanche, Mitch, and Stanley.   Whether the cruelty is deliberate or not, it results in the destruction of others, both physically and mentally. Blanche Dubois, the central victim of mistreatment in the play, was herself, dealing out her share of insensitivities during her younger days.   When Blanche was 16, she had a very handsome lover named Allan Gray.   She was very much in love with him and decided to marry him.   But by total surprise one night, Blanche found her lover in bed with another man.   She tried to pretend that nothing had happened.   However, she was unable to hold what she saw inside, and told Allan "I saw,   I know, you disgust me†¦"( p.96). To Allan, Blanche seemed to be a person who accepted him for who he was in a society where homosexuals are discriminated against. What Blanche said completely devastated Allan and he found no reason to continue living.   Although Blanche had no intentions of hurting Allan, enough damage was done to prompt Allan to shoot himself, his mind and body destroyed. The harsh treatment dealt by Mitch to Blanche near the end of the play is strikingly similar to Blanche's treatment of Allan Gray.   Mitch is a friend of Stanley's whom Blanche falls for during her visit to New Orleans.   The relationship between Blanche and Mitch had been developing steadily.   Both characters felt the need to settle down in life and both saw the image of marriage at the outcome of their relationship.   It did seem as though the image would become reality, until Stan interfered.   Stan filled Mitch's mind with unfavourable stories of Blanche's checkered past and the relationship quickly turned sour.   Mitch had not believed Stan at first, but when he received confirmation of the truth to Stan's accusations, he became heart-broken and enraged.   Mitch goes to confront Blanche personally and accuses her of being a prostitute and lying to him.   Mitch also says that Blanche is hiding something, as he has never seen her in broad daylight.   He then tears the paper lantern off the light bulb, representing a tearing away of Blanche's shield from realism. Blanche admits to the accusations but reasons that she has changed her ways and never did lie in her heart.   Mitch appears to forgive her as he goes to kiss Blanche.   But in the midst of the embrace, Mitch blurts out, "You're not clean

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Generational Difference

Generational difference Sometimes, I sit and wonder why living habits, trends and living standards never change. I live in a world where there is more technology and freedom than my parents had during their young adulthood. I have always wondered what people are thinking when they do things they know are wrong such as killing someone or stealing something. Sometimes it is very hard to see things from other people’s point of view. The differences in our minds, ages, and personalities, When I look at my parents I see someone I look up to someone I admire. My grandparents are a whole other story.I was sitting in my grandparent’s living room having dinner; my grandmother was walking around not eating seeing if she could get anything for anyone. She did everything for us. Especially my papaw she does everything for him fixes his dinner, his drink, lays out his clothes, it’s like she’s his servant. Do not misunderstand me. When I marry I will do everything for m y husband. But I expect a certain amount of respect in return the bible says in Colossians 3:19â€Å"Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them†. My papaw does respect my grandmother but not enough in my opinion.So as you can see this is due to our generational gap. When my grandma was a young woman she was expected to marry have children and care for the home. This day in age it doesn’t matter, more and more women would rather stay single then cook and clean for her husband. They would prefer to â€Å"play the field† and that’s fine so long as you are rooted and grounded in the word of God. The bible says in Hebrew 13:4 â€Å"Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. † In other word keep yourself pure for your husband or wife!

Friday, August 16, 2019

History of Garde Manager

The History of Garde Mange Aaron avers The garde manger profession began with peoples need to preserve food. The practice of food preservation is very much older than the term garde manger. In medieval times, castles and large homes were equipped with underground larders, or cold food storage rooms. The food storage areas in these castles and manor houses were usually located in the lower levels, since the cool basement-like environment was ideal for storing food. These cold storage areas developed over time into the modern cold kitchen. In France, the larder was called the garde manger.So one meaning of the culinary term garde manger can be a person in charge of cold foods preparation and preservation. Today, in the industry, I have been taught that the garde manger is now referred to as the â€Å"pantry chef. † Garde manger is also known as the place in which cold foods are prepared and stored, and the person or chef of cold foods preparation. Garerde Manger was being used l ong before it was a commonly used term. Perishable foods like meat and fish were dried in the sun or packed with salt to preserve them. The first dependable method of preserving foods was actually drying. Also you can read about  History of the Culinary Arts.Smoking foods was derived from placing the meat on poles over a smoky fire to prevent insects and other animals from feeding while it was curing. Farming families began using spices along with the salt, and discovered that tough meats can be tenderized. In the Middle Ages and in the early renaissance, foods that were prepared for the upper classes were overly complicated and heavily spiced. La Varenne, a French chef with Italian influences, went against medieval tradition,    and stressed the importance of natural flavors and lighter sauce.Salads and vinaigrettes took the place of heavier cooked foods and became the standard side to roasted meats. It was at this point that the role of garde manger expanded from food preserva tion to the actual preparation of all cold foods consumption, moving them out of the basement and into the kitchen. By the end of the twentieth century the prepackaging of our industry has allowed some great advances in garde manger. Garde manger, â€Å"keeper of the food†, or pantry supervisor, refers to the task of preparing and presenting cold foods.These typically include such food items as salads, hors d'? uvres, cold soups, aspics, and charcuterie. Larger restaurants and hotels may have the need for the garde manger to perform additional duties, such as creating elements for buffet presentation like edible centerpieces made from materials such as ice, cheese, butter, salt dough or tallow. In most modern kitchens the garde manger is synonymous with pantry chef, having duties focusing on salads, soups, cold food items, and dessert plating’s. It is usually the entry level line cook position within a restaurant.The term â€Å"garde manger† originated in pre-Re volutionary France. At that time, maintaining a full supply of food was a symbol of power, wealth and prestige. Noble families had a household steward who would manage their cold store room. The steward was referred to as the â€Å"officer de bouche†, a title that was eventually replaced with â€Å"garde manger†. This position was extremely important, because most of the food was butchered, pickled, salted, cured, or smoked during the fall season and stored for months, all the way into the spring months.It is because of this duty of supervising the preserving of food and managing its use that many interpret the term â€Å"garde manger† as â€Å"keeping to eat†. The position of â€Å"butcher† first developed as a specialty within the garde manger kitchen. As both the cost of and demand for animals for food increased, more space was required for the fabricating and portioning the raw proteins. This need for space was due not only to an upswing in the number of protein sales, but also to the need for separating raw proteins from processed foods to avoid cross-contamination and the resulting possibility of food borne illness.Special â€Å"butcher shops† were created where portion sizes, product deployment, and temperature could be highly controlled. Today butcher shops exist both as standalone establishments and alongside kitchens in large hotels, country clubs and high volume restaurants. Modern garde manger can refer to different things in the professional kitchen. In many restaurants it is a station which is generally an entry level cooking position within the restaurant, as it involves preparing salads or other smaller plates which can be cooked and plated without significant experience.In other high-profile classically influenced restaurants and hotels, the position pertains to the classical preparations. Today Garde Manger is referred to as â€Å"The Art of the Cold Kitchen†. Some may even say it is the arts a nd crafts of the culinary industry. Today's Garde Mangers must behold more than simple food preservation skills. They must have the knowledge and skills to create everything as small as a batch of mayonnaise to something as large and elaborate as ice carving. Some food establishments use the word pantry instead of Garde Manager.Some may even refer to it as the salad station†¦ the list goes on and on. In the restaurant scene the Garde Manger's job is typically plating salads and preparing cold appetizers. In some situations it may even be their job to plate desserts. Some find the experience of working in the Garde Manger extremely challenging and stimulating that they often decide to make it their life long career. The skills needed for the Garde Manger are so extreme that it is often the walkway that leads some to the path of being a great chef, possibly even a famous chef.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

James I’s Intolerance of the Catholic Faith Essay

Do you agree with the view that the main cause of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was James I’s intolerance of the catholic faith? It was the lack of tolerance in which James showed toward the Catholic faith, but also the large amounts of tolerance to the Protestants in the mean time. James was, almost, too pleasant towards the Protestants and therefore angered the Catholics as he did so, leaving the Catholic’s wanting to display that the intolerance shown towards them was unacceptable. Therefore, historians are able to infer that it was due to James’ attitudes towards the catholic faith that the Gunpowder Plot took place. Source 2 and 3 both agree that the gunpowder plot was due to James dealing with the Catholic faith with a very harsh attitude, also pushing the Catholics into taking measures such as ‘massacres, rebellions and desperate attempts against the King and State’ due to the King driving them to. James ‘dealt severely [..] he took a lot of money’ which he, evidently, didn’t implicate amongst the puritans. James shows a lot of hatred towards the Catholics and their faith through the way he dealt with them. Source 4 supports evidence shown through both source 2 and 3 in the way that it is expressing the ‘utter detestation’ he had of Catholicism and how he was happy to show his ‘hostility against the Catholics in order to satisfy the Puritans’. James states how he couldn’t comply with all the needs of the Catholics which they present to them, however he made no effort to even think about contemplating those needs of the Protestants. The kings hatred towards the Catholics, however, may also have been due to the influence of his inherited chief minister, Robert Cecil, who from Source 3 we can understand himself didn’t enjoy having the Catholic faith around, being warned that if the harshness shown towards them wasn’t to stop then the king would have to intervene in ‘massacres, rebellions and desperate attempts against the king and state’. However, Robert Cecil, down to his own despise of the faith manipulated the situation, applying a larger amount of pressure upon James to continue to treat the Catholics with a harsh manner, shown in source 5, ‘Cecil used every opportunity to infer to James that the popes were rivals to his authority [†¦] something James could not tolerate’ . Source 5, unlike source 3, states how Cecil was a ‘staunch protestant’ seeing the Catholics as being ‘tantamount to traitors’ due to their beliefs opposing the king by referring back to the pope, although they both show that Robert Cecil is using his own viewpoint to affect the way in which the King undertake the ‘issue’ of the Catholic faith, just in diverse ways, and therefore a possible cause of the gunpowder plot, which many historians would argue, was due to James’ ministers themselves, influencing the kings beliefs and ideals. Robert Cecil through his influence over the king shown in source 5 can also be supported in source 1 with him stating that the King has been too tolerable of the Catholics and how the king should be harsher towards them and how ‘the King’s excessive kindness’ has resulted to ‘priests preach that Catholics much kill the Kings to help their religion’, and therefore wasn’t James’ intolerance of the Catholics that caused the Gunpowder plot but the tolerance he showed them instead. Many Catholics would say that due to James’ deliberately publicly announcing his ‘utter detestation’ of their faith that James deserved the plot to be against him due to the harshness shown towards their faith and beliefs, which we are able to infer via source 4 telling historians that ‘all priests [†¦] had been expelled and recusancy fines introduced’. Overall through the sources historians are able to infer that James showed a large intolerance towards the Catholic faith, whether it be through him own ideals or influenced by other, which then pushed them into believing that performing the Gunpowder plot upon the Houses of Parliament was for the greater good of their religion, and therefore the main cause of the gunpowder plot of 1604 was King James’ intolerance for the Catholic faith. Amy Poole.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Managing a diverse workforce

Managing a Diverse Workforce Our society is becoming more diverse. We can see people from different nation or different racial in our daily life, this situation is more obvious in school and workplace, especially in multinational. A diverse workforce combines employees from different nations, ethnic and gender that together create a more creative, innovative, and productive workforce. Many companies see workplace diversity as an investment toward building a better business.However, although workplace diversity can help many make more profits, it also brings some challenges to employees and managers. Below are several common challenges often happened in workplace diversity. First challenge is poor communication (Holt, n. D. ). Workplace diversity often has employees from various backgrounds and experiences. Sometimes, those employees do not have common language. Therefore, it caused difficulties for employees to communicate with each other, and lead to misunderstandings and a decrease in productivity.Second challenge is resistance (Holt, n. D. ). Although oracle diversity can help company make more profits, some employees or business owners may not want to make any change, because those people only want to stay in their comfort zone. Therefore, making diversity in workplace without any plan may cause negative impacts, such as decrease productivity, damage morale and lead to bad workplace environment. Third challenge is discrimination. Employees may discriminate against others because those employees think they are better than others.There are several types of discrimination may happened in workplace. For example, local employees may discriminate against foreign employees because local employees think they have geographical advantages, male may discriminate against female because male think they are better than female, white may discriminate against black or yellow because white think they are superior than them. There are too many possible discrimination may hap pen in workplace. For managing a diverse workplace, some companies use affirmative action to maintain the diverse in workplace.

Does the prison exacerbate or improve the mental health of those it Essay

Does the prison exacerbate or improve the mental health of those it contains Consider with reference to contemporary data on the social backgrounds of prisoners and the inherent harms of incarceration - Essay Example Crime and criminality is as old as the history of man. The society’s way of dealing with criminals, however, has changed over the ages and varies from society to society. Crime is recognized as an integral part of the social fabric of the society. French sociologist Emile Durkheim argued that crime is normal and is necessary for society. According to Durkheim one of the benefits of crime is that it ‘establishes and clarifies the moral boundaries of a society’ (Henry & Lainer, 2001). From a historical point of view imprisonment was designed not only as a form of punishment but to separate those guilty of criminal acts from the general population. In ancient societies and in some parts of contemporary societies the guilty is locked away for life or is rewarded by death. Imprisonment, therefore, is not a new phenomenon. In ancient Egypt and as recorded in the Bible, Joseph the Hebrew slave was placed in prison by the pharaoh of the day and was ordered to work while incarcerated. Many stories are also told of prisoners in Ancient Rome and in more recent times with the persecution of Christians and other religious activists. Different methods of imprisonments have been used. In some ancient societies, for example, prisoners used to be locked up in dungeons. In modern society a considerable part of the general population is locked up in penal institutions. Worldwide there are ten million persons who are under imprisonment with the majority being in the United States, China and Russia (Maeyer, 2005). Prison reform, however, came under the microscope when the prison population increased dramatically as a result of many social changes in society. Countries enacted new bills and policies that influenced the prison system. Some of those policies fuelled the increase of the prison population. Sentencing reforms in the United States led to a great increase in the rates of incarceration (Morris & Rothman, 1998). One of the problems that contributes to the

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The case of triage after a disaster Research Paper

The case of triage after a disaster - Research Paper Example He also needs critical care and should be the second person to attend to avoid losing too much blood. Jason should be assessed for injuries on internal organs as the lacerations on the chest are quite deep (Lee, 2010). Mr. Campbell is suffering from high blood pressure and needs urgent attention as he has already began experiencing respiratory distress and chest pain. Owing to his medical history of cardiac disease, it may turn out to be fatal in a short while. He should be the third person to attend to. It is important to help him restore his normal blood pressure. Jane needs further medical evaluation to determine her mental and physiological state. Her condition requires nursing diagnosis as it is not clear what she is suffering from but it is evident that she has a problem. She should the fourth patient to attend to. Blake is suffering from relatively mild conditions. He suffered a fractured leg that has already been stabilised. Painkillers can be administered to him to relief hi s discomfort. He will be the fifth person to attend to if there is no other acute case that will emerge as he can wait longer but not too long to cause him a lot of suffering (Koenig et al. 2006). Physical assessment on Janet will begin with neurological evaluation considering factors such as changes in the consciousness level of the patient, anxiety, lethargy, confusion and incomprehension. It is also necessary to seek for the patient’s neurological health history to determine if she had previous experiences of anaesthesia and sensory disturbance among others. The intensity of these neurological aspects will be used to determine if there are functional disorders or indications of a medical problem. These assessments will help to understand if she is traumatised as a result of the disaster and the thought of ‘near death’ situation. If her condition is as a result of shock, she will be out of danger and it will be easy to resuscitate her. The somatic,

Monday, August 12, 2019

Ethics and Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics and Law - Research Paper Example This debate has had various philosophical theories explaining this concept. In this paper, I will base my argument on three philosophical theories to determine whether it is more important for business to be ethical or lawful. Proper business ethics should be introduced in a business as external factors that are way above profit making motive of the business and the law governing its operations. Ethical business obligation supersedes fulfilling laws requirements in that by mere facts, law specifies the lowest values of identifying acceptable behavior (Fieser). Ethical absolutism stipulates that a right or wrongful action remains as it is despite the outcome. For instance, stealing remains a wrongful act despite the reason behind it. According to this theory, harm and veracity are some of the supra- legal moral principles that defend business ethics as a moral obligation. Veracity principle stipulates that business organizations should not deceive customers for whatever reason. The harm principle deters businesses from carrying on activities that cause harm to both employees and the surrounding society (Fieser). According to virtue ethics, businesses should inculcate virtues to employees. This helps portray a positive image of the business to the outside world this is also supported by the religious fundamentalism that advocates for the principle of human rights. Under this principle, business organizations should consider respect of human rights while carrying on with their business (Fieser). For instance, though permitted by the law to produce and sell products, businesses should focus in interest of stakeholders, consumers and the community at large. It should not produce and sell products that may pose health issues to consumers in the long- run. On the other hand, businesses may act good to fulfill legal requirements. This mostly happens where a

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Internal Assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Internal Assessment - Research Paper Example Section D analyzes the evidence provided by the sources in relation to Al-Qaida’s objective for 9/11 and the degree to which they realized this objective. Lastly, section E summarizes the information between sections B and D. This investigation is an effort to assess the event 9/11 itself, rather a mere in-depth look into why the Al-Qaida attacked the United States and the outcomes of this reason and action over the years. Immanuel Wallerstein says Al-Qaeda clearly set off to obliterate nearly a century of disgrace for the Islam in 9/11. What Al-Qaeda managed to accomplish since this event is fix deep fears amongst United States citizens regarding their physical security and overall future.1 Clint Watts argues that the Al-Qaeda has not organized any serious attack against the west since 9/11, which indicates they most likely did not accomplish any of their goals apart from attempting to â€Å"cut off the head of the snake.†2 Writer Mortada Radwan says the first goal of the Al-Qaeda was to â€Å"awake† Americans by dealing a major blow on American soil, followed by engaging the United States in battle as the second goal. A series of hands-on military and resources acquisition activities, recuperating with other minor jihadi revolts, proclaiming an Islamic state, and entering into a full-blown war were the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth goals respectively.3 In 2006, Paul Haven said Al-Qaeda attacked the United States because their affairs in Afghanistan were questionable and of purely selfish interests.4 Bill Steiden wrote in 2009 that the Al-Qaeda attacked the United States because their localized approach against US forces in the Middle East was failing.5 Eileen Sullivan and Lolita C. Baldor believe the 9/11 attacks were Al-Qaeda’s way of gaining global notoriety and reputation in an effort to spread their agenda and propaganda across the world.6 Newsday released an article in 2011 claiming the 9/11 attacks were Al-Qaeda’s way to force United

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Critically explore the risks, challenges and key issues in relation to Essay - 2

Critically explore the risks, challenges and key issues in relation to starting up a new restaurant in Cardiff Bay in light of the current economic climate in the UK 01312 - Essay Example Full and quick services restaurant growth for 2015 is forecasted up to 3.4% and 3.7% respectively (Technonic, 2014). The industry value in UK economy with around 35,032 business, 590,915 employees and value of  £26.7billion in 2014 (IBIS World, 2014 and Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs, 2014). The industry also witnessed an increase in distribution index on an average 1.3% with 4.7% increased outcome for 2014 (Office of National Statistics, 2014 and Office of National Statistics, 2015). The development of world’s deprived regions has widely captured the attention of opportunists for being early starters in the new markets via filling the spotted gap. One of such regions emerging regions offering fair opportunities is Cardiff Bay. The mining valley holds the status of world’ first industrialized city (Cardiff Caerdydd, N.d).The last two decades history of the region is adventurously full of growth events and developments. A forecasted population growth and heavily changed lifestyle are promising measures for services business industry (Cardiff Caerdydd, N.d). Ranked as the 10th largest UK city, Cardiff Bay attracts around 18 million visitors a year till 2012. From 1000 registered buildings, 547 are of food businesses including bar, cafà © and restaurants in Cardiff Bay (Ruddick, 2012).Though, the region still needs huge reforms and administrative facilities but critics show positivity towards success of the growing entity. A new sole-proprietorship entity has developed a business plan for entering the Cardiff-Bay restaurant industry to capture opportunities. The plan is apparently developed but lacks the description of risks and challenges associated with the external environmental factors. It is agreed upon a fact, that developing an effective business plan is as challenging and attention seeking as the running a business (Mullins, 2012 and Chesbrough, 2012). Hence, below presented report is a

Friday, August 9, 2019

Human Resource Management & Organisational analysis MSc Personal Statement

Human Resource Management & Organisational analysis MSc - Personal Statement Example My goal is to practice the best Human Resource in the organizations I will work for. I am a graduate from Hult International Business School in London where I studied Bachelor of International Business Administration and specialized in Management. I have worked in the bank of Respublika as an accounting specialist and I enjoyed my role as I got to interact with customers and making transactions for them. I have also worked for Look magazine in the UK and I was glad to share ideas on how to redo their Website and journal to make accessibility for customers easy as well as sharing ideas on how to increase profits. I trust that my decision to purse the course in King’s College is one of best decisions I have made in my life. This is because of professional lecturers, state of art equipments, the conducive learning environment, and the good reputation of the institution. I am confident that as I undertake the course in King’s College, I will accomplish my goals and I will be in a better position to face the Human Resource practices in any organization. I intend to work hard and in the end achieve the best results and be marketable

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Writing 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Writing 1 - Essay Example the pleas presented were based on the fact that privacy is being eroded. Federal Court was moved in this regard in order to assess and specify the limits and scope of their working and check the nature of questions presented before the jury. By the end of the hearing, the court announced that the practices of National Security Agency did not violate any major civil rights or privacy rules majorly (LIPTAK). Prior to the recent ruling, a former case undertaken with this regard assessed the scenario and termed the working of N.S.A as obstructing the privacy and basic rights of ordinary citizens. The set of recommendations have come forth on account of response to the concerns expressed by Jeff Jarvis in a further response to the findings and decision made by the Federal Court (Jarvis). In one of the proceedings and case result the court termed the activities of N.S.A as that of one leading the country towards a totalitarian state outlook with no private life protection and privacy respect. In order and effort to make up for the concerns of number of citizens, a ten point recommendation plan has been suggested with aims of providing the N.S.A a working mechanism which will allow for a more transparent, efficient and little controversial working mechanism with regard to privacy and public personal life (Brand). For the purpose a Board has been brought into force with regard to the working of the N.S.A and possible definition of its scope and privacy breach protection. These recommendations include the following: The board advised the N.S.A for a possible redefinition of the identifying and then targeting a particular suspect action or individual. This will allow for a better understanding of the scenario with regard to the privacy protection. This part of recommendation largely pertains to the cooperation with the foreign security agencies and the American citizens monitoring who may be outside the American soil. This

Investigation report on World Trade Organization Essay

Investigation report on World Trade Organization - Essay Example The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business," (p.1). "Under the WTO's system of corporate-managed trade, economic efficiency, reflected in short-run corporate profits, dominates other values. Decisions affecting the economy are to be confined to the private sector, while social and environmental costs are borne by the public," Adding that, "In November 1999, the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Third Ministerial Meeting in Seattle collapsed in spectacular fashion, in the face of unprecedented protest from people and governments around the world. The WTO and GATT Uruguay Round Agreements have functioned principally to pry open markets for the benefit of transnational corporations at the expense of national and local economies; workers, farmers, indigenous peoples, women and other social groups; health and safety; the environment; and animal welfare. In addition, the WTO system, rules and procedures are undemocratic, un-transparent and non-accountable and have operated to marginalize the majority of the world's people," (Public Citizen, 2008 p.1). The WTO seeks to promote its services to the world trading community as a way to facilitate trading throughout the modern world.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Football helmet Essay Example for Free

Football helmet Essay The average tackle football player has a natural tendency to experience fear and tension when thinking about the heavy rate of concussion injuries within the sport. In response to the violently physical nature of the game, Riddell Sports has produced a helmet that provides the best defense to worries and consequences of a concussion. The Riddell Revolution 360 football helmet has been constructed by engineers to protect the mental processes and safety of players. As a football player myself, I can think of no better alternative for head trauma prevention than this helmet. Riddell takes into account and states that players sustain roughly 950 impacts to the head over the course of a season. As a result of this, the helmet places a strong emphasis on protection of the most impacted part of the head, the front. Patented in 2012, HIT technology was established by Riddell in their experiment labs to measure the severity and location of head impacts from all directions. This technology proves that detrimental impact to the brain can go unnoticed or misunderstood, and use it to prevent future mental problems for players. This product changes the way participants feel comfortable and confident on the playing field more than ever before. The technology that is added includes a new carbon steel facemask that flexes in reaction to impact. Also added to the helmet was a new face frame structure which is made up of continuous hexagonal shaped padding on the interior that shapes to players heads for a custom and tight fit. This is important for reducing the amount of force to the head, which will allow the sport to be more commonly tolerated by everyone interested. With the rise of cognitive damage in football due to head trauma, parents are more hesitant than ever to allow their children play the game at a young age. However, parents can be assured that the expanded technology in the Riddell 360 will protect their children like never before. Customers will instantly feel the difference in protection when they place the helmet on for the first time! Although this product is revolutionary to the sport, there is a steep cost necessary to consider before purchasing it. The helmet itself has a retail value of $450 which could scare some customers away. This price does not appeal to high school or university student athletes who typically are looking for the best deal possible. However, the helmet is vastly popular amongst professional players and university athletic departments who have the income to buy the product at ease. The helmet also has plenty of cheaper competitors that provide more financially reasonable selections. Although the other products may be cheaper, the helmet Riddell has designed contains technology and protection that no other competitors can match. The helmet is a symbol of how far technology has advanced in sports to accommodate the needs of its participants. Football is notorious for its wide spectrum of physical limitations to those interested in playing, but innovation within the labs at Riddell have allowed for these barriers to slowly come crashing down over the years. The Riddell Revolution 360 football helmet should be strongly considered by all those striving to play the game of football in its safest possible fashion.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Langston Hughes Salvation Essay Example for Free

Langston Hughes Salvation Essay Some people may believe that salvation comes to those who deserve it. Others may believe that salvation comes to those who seek it. Still, there are those who believe that salvation is not a privilege but is rather a free gift for all. But for Langston Hughes, it appears that salvation for him is not what it seems to be. Apparently, Langston projects the image that a childs innocence may be a way of looking at salvation in such a way that our basic senses and sensibilities are put back to their simplest and uncorrupted state, devoid of fear from non-conformity from dogma and filled with eagerness to experience what is real. Perhaps Langston Hughes is attempting to channel across the message that adulthood or perhaps our matured state, so to speak, has dictated so much of what we believe in that we forget that we were once innocent beings eager to absorb what the world was willing to give us. This is the point where I would like to agree with Langston Hughes. In the many events in our lives that shape who we are and what we want—apart from the things that we want to want—our daily experiences have largely contributed to our personality and character. Sometimes an encounter with an atheist will strike your faith and religious beliefs and be put aback into a state of doubt, weighing odds at both ends and figuring out if your faith is strong enough to resist the temptation of atheism. Or perhaps an encounter with a tribesman living in a far-off, desolate forest may change the way you look at life, especially in terms of material possession. Whether or not we have already encountered these things, it can hardly be doubted that our personal experiences shares a large role in shaping our identities as individuals. As we grow, we start to acquire more of these experiences. Not surprisingly, our earlier knowledge is replaced with fresher ones, relieving ourselves of the burden of having to carry the weight of obsolete beliefs as we go on with our lives. This is the point where Langston Hughes may very well agree: we have grown to a point that we can remember all but one—our state of innocence. It does not surprise me at all to see individuals busy with the complexities of life. After all, people change and so are the things we experience. The evolution of humanity, apart from the scientific sense, has paved the way for more of these complexities. And sometimes we are prompted to lie or to deceive ourselves out of innocence in order to blend together with our environment. In order to convince other people, Hughes lied which made others reaffirm their belief in salvation. No doubt the believers would believe all the more in cases where their beliefs are reaffirmed at least by what they see. But sometimes—in fact, many times—what they see is not the one we or others see. In the end, we are confronted with the startling feeling of self-deception after convening and bending to what others believe in. We mourn over our mistakes and hope to convince ourselves that all will be well although it simply cannot be the case after our actions have been committed. Salvation is such a broad concept that it simply cannot be confined within the closed spaces of churches and congregations alone. If, indeed, salvation is free for all then why must there be a need to encroach ourselves into religious orders? And for God or Allahs name, where among these hundreds, if not thousands, of religious dominions are we to find salvation? Langston Hughes Salvation embodies these important points and the rest of what has been said here. Maturity betrays us in such a way that our innocence is hindered from allowing us to view the world outside the box detached from whatever it is that ties us to dogma, delusion and self-proclaimed salvation. Reference Hughes, L. (2007). Salvation. Retrieved November 7, 2007, from http://www. courses. vcu. edu/ENG200-dwc/hughes. htm

Monday, August 5, 2019

Wal Mart Global Expansion Strategy Management Essay

Wal Mart Global Expansion Strategy Management Essay Wal-Mart is the largest retail chain in the world and also the worlds largest corporation. The company started its globalization in the year 1991 when it opened a Sams club near the Mexico City. In the year 1993 the company did set up the Wal-Mart International which was to oversee the growing opportunities of the company worldwide. Consequently, the company has enjoyed the overseas operation growth and also consumer acceptance. Wal-Mart has never changed its brand names, the every day low price and high ethical standards although its approach to competing in the overseas has evolved over time. Due to its entry into the foreign markets it changed its local regulatory frame work and customer tastes. Wal-Mart global expansion strategy The global expansion strategy of Wal-Mart is provision of goods at low prices that could raise the living standards of people around the world. This strategy involves globalization efforts of the company to enter into the overseas markets. According to Troy (1), the bottom line for the Wal-Marts company is bigger and cheaper. This is because the company intends to maintain its low price kind of leadership while at the same time pursuing the aggressive store expansion worldwide. This expansion is facilitated by opening of new stores and clubs world wide. How do they enter into the markets? Wal-Mart realized that if they took too long to enter into the foreign countries they would be allowing the competitors a lead that is too difficult to close. To avoid this end, they ventured into foreign countries to concentrate on their expansion efforts. This means that the main method used by the Wal-Mart Company in entering into new markets is by venturing into foreign countries. This is ensured by either selling the products in other retail stores which in turn distribute to the customers or by opening up its own store which will be used in the distribution of its products. For example as mentioned earlier, by the year 1993 Wal-Mart international operation had only one Sams club in Mexico but it ventured fast into the neighboring counties like Argentina, brazil, Indonesia china and Japan. This countries where perceived to be unique in the retail market in terms of the logistical systems, consumers and relationship between the suppliers and retailers. How do they expand while in the market? While in the market, Wal-Mart Company opened (build) more new stores in the countries it had ventured into thus replicating the domestic operation abroad. The company also expanded its markets by acquiring potential companies. It also picked up new ideas from other countries which helped greatly in the expansion of its markets. This included the gravity wall from Brazil, selling shoes from Canada, selling bike racks from Canada and many more (Deresky 455). Markets where Wal-Mart has been successful and the reasons for the success Wal-Mart Company has been most successful in countries (markets) like Canada, Mexico and the UK. In Canada the company purchased all the 122 Canadian woolco discount stores thus becoming the Canada highest volume discount retailer. The main proponent for the companys success is the low prices of the products and the ability to strip costs from the supply chain which impresses the analysts. The suppliers are strictly authorized to distribute goods at the Wal-Marts center within 15-30 minutes of the stipulated schedules failure to which they would be fined. Again it has a lot of bargaining power to extract price concession from the suppliers. In UK Wal-Mart acquired ASDA stores which were 232 in number thus becoming the biggest retailer in that country ( 1). ASDA warded of price competitions which overtook all the other companies in the UK. In Mexico, Wal-Mart Company acquired the controlling interest of the Mexican largest retailer (Cifra) which operated stores through the county. It modified the products so that they could meet the expectations of its Mexican users (Tilly 1). There is one common theme for the success of these three countries. For example they have acquired some of the strongest companies in this countries thus becoming the leading large scale retailers and they have also modified their products to meet the needs of their immediate clients. Markets where the Wal-Mart company has been unsuccessful and the reasons of the failure. Wal-Mart has failed in Germany and South Korea markets in particular. In Germany, the company found it difficult to adapt to the German ways and it therefore exited selling off its store (Knorr and Arndt 23). In South Korea, the Wal-Mart company also exited selling off its store because it also could not localize its operations (Awbi 1). There is a common theme as to why these two countries failed and it was because the two couldnt adapt to the needs of the various citizens (South Koreans and Germany). These failures are specific or relevant in each country and also similar. For example as mentioned above they have failed because they didnt localize their operations. To be specific the reason as to why it failed in Germany is because the Germany customers did not show much concern for the EDLP approach and many people also disliked its relatively low pay and ultra-frugal policy on managers business expenses. In South Korea it experienced operation difficulties due to its merchandise mix and the stores which were too far from the city centers. Another problem was high food prices and lack of food freshness (Deresky 458). How does culture hinder the expansion of Wal-Mart in other countries? Wal-Marts culture is a hindrance to the companys expansion. This is because some of their practices do not go well with some people in some countries (Kitlerphiroj 1). For example in Germany the Wal-Marts expatriate managers were faced with massive cultures clashes which were helped by the refusal to learn the German language. Its culture which involved merchandise departments, supercenters far from town centers and low pries did not go down with the South Koreans who disliked the companies merchandise, the locations and high prices of commodities which led to their closure. The companys culture of acquiring building and companies and low prices helped the company in nations like Mexico, Canada and the UK for they became the largest retailers in these countries. Has Wal-Mart had to change their level and method of political interaction with governments as they have expanded internationally? Wal-Mart had to change the level and method of interaction with some governments in the process of their international expansion. For example the Chinas finance, banking, taxation and insurance organizations were bureaucratic and burdensome because the regional division of finance guidelines and tax rules created problems. For example a corporation with joint ventures in numerous locations served by a single supplier had to make separate payment for each venture to the supplier. Wal-Mart Company worked together with the Chinese administration to put up a holding corporation that could consolidate joint venture distribution and finance. How effective has Wal-Mart been at maintaining their business model as they have expanded internationally? Wal-Mart has been effective in the maintenance of its business model during the international expansion because it has maintained its low price culture towards its customers. Again, it has managed to be the largest retailer in some countries like Canada, United Kingdom and Mexico. The four most important lessons There are some lessons which can be learned from this case. One of them is that companies should target to satisfy their customers so that they can get the opportunity to expand. For example most of the Wal-Marts customers are satisfied with the low prices of commodities. This has not only increased sales but also profits. Another lesson is that companies should consider the opinions, tastes and preferences of the people in a particular country before setting up a company in a foreign country to avoid massive losses. The other lesson is that a company should try to localize or understand the peoples preferences and tastes after a careful study have been carried out to avoid misconceptions that can bring losses. Another lesson is that the companies that have the interest of venturing into business in foreign countries should change and even negotiate with the various governments concerned such that they may have a favorable condition to thrive in businesswise.